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This blog is in accordance with Jobs For Dyslexics. This is our statement on the recent college bribery scandal 
In light of this week’s terrible college bribery scandal, amid revelations about how public empathy has been abused in certain instances, Jobs For Dyslexics wants to assure its supporters, its clients, and all stakeholders that we are an organization of the highest standards of integrity and conduct our services in accordance with them.
This past week, as an organization and as individuals, we could not help but acknowledge that the invaluable public faith in our work, and in that of countless other organizations around the globe performing other work on behalf of talented dyslexics, has become imperiled. Because of the selfish actions of a handful of influential individuals bent on securing improper advantages for their children by appealing to the very same social consciences that have supported our development, we are in danger of losing our most important ally in the general public.
As Jobs For Dyslexics celebrates six years of operation, we are grateful to be able to look back on the many individuals, organizations, and societal values that have assisted us in building and refining our services, helping us to tailor our work to make the most important differences in the lives of the greatest number of individuals possible. We could not have continued to function without all levels of the public embracing our values and messages and contributing to a much more resonant voice for fairness and inclusion than we could ever have projected on our own.
While we are devastated by the news of this week, we remain confident that our advocacy will not be weakened by the association of disability services with criminal activity. We remain hopeful that those in greatest need of support will not be adversely affected and that the validity of support for those with invisible disabilities will continue to be recognized.
We are, as always, happy to discuss this matter with anybody who would like further reassurance. We also want to take this time to remind clients that it is neither improper nor harmful to seek assistance for problems spawned by learning disabilities and that the services of Jobs For Dyslexics are dedicated exclusively to individuals and organizations in real need.
While having to make these clarifications is difficult and disheartening, we feel that it is imperative to ensure the continued public support of our mission through this incredibly difficult time for disability advocacy. We thank you for remaining our supporters and look forward to our future achievements together.
Laura Cianci, Executive Director
Benjamin Bodnar, Outreach Director


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