Welcome to Dyslexia Now Blog! This blog is in affiliation with a non-profit called Jobs For Dyslexics! We help adults with dyslexia find the jobs of their dreams and spread awareness around dyslexia. This blog will have resources dyslexics can use to get jobs and advocate for themselves.
Research by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire found that dyslexics are great at pointing out things that are out of place like weeds in a garden. Researchers found that dyslexics could point out visual representations of causal reasoning at faster rates than non-dyslexics. Which means they can point out things that don't make sense in painting or photographs a lot easier and faster. In one study astrophysicists with dyslexia were able to pick out black holes from the noise faster than non-dyslexics. In another study with college students, dyslexics were better at memorizing blurry images that looked like x-rays. These are great advantages in medicine and science. So, if dyslexia can be a gift, why does it make it harder to find employment. Dyslexics can have a tough time getting a job. Where do you even start? You can start by listing your strengths in your resume. Employers want to know your strengths and skills right off the bat to see ...
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