The following is a quote from a person who is dyslexic about his struggles with dyslexia in the workplace. He had some advice for people with dyslexia as well. Some parts have been edited for clarity: "A huge problem I face in the workplace is communication and pronunciation. My boss has a way of saying things or pronouncing things which make me question what he says and what I'm supposed to be doing. On top of that, my dyslexia makes reading any documents or papers at work hard; it slows me down because I have to take my time. That is even though I have many computer programs at hand to help me read and do the paperwork to accomplish all of the goals. To overcome some of my difficulties, I have to ask my boss to repeat what he says or I have to re-read the documents I was given, re-read what I have written and what I read to prepare reports and other documents. Which takes more time, but I have to do it in order to make ...